Car Wrecks

When you are in a car wreck for which you are not at fault, there is potential for financial recovery for damages. Insurance companies will attempt to get information from you shortly after the wreck before your losses can be fully assessed. This may be detrimental to any future compensation for damages. Therefore, it is imperative to seek legal counsel with a skilled personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible following an automobile accident.


  • To best represent your interests and maximize your claim, you can collect your wreck report, medical records, medical bills, and any documentation for lost wages or other miscellaneous financial claims (i.e., items in your car damaged during the wreck) to provide to the personal injury attorney’s office.

  • It is not permitted for a personal injury attorney to fund a client’s claim. However, many medical professionals are willing to walk alongside a law firm to assist a client with medical treatment on a lien.

  • It’s imperative to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. There are strict time limit requirements in many cases which can prevent recovery if a suit is not filed in a timely manner.

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